INSTALLATION Prerequisites: 1. You must have installed OS/2 REXX support. REXX support is installed automatically with OS/2 version 3.0 (i.e., Warp). If you have using a 2.x version of OS/2 you will need to install REXX support using the Selective Install utility if you have not already done so. 2. You must have the file vrobj.dll. If the .zip file containing this file did not include vrobj.dll, you can retrieve from: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing WebWriter/2: 1. Install OS/2 REXX support, using the OS/2 Selective Install utility if necessary. 2. Unzip into a temporary directory. 3. Make sure that a. vrobj.dll exists in a directory in your LIBPATH. or b. You have the file vrobj.dll in the directory that you unzipped into. 4. If you are reinstalling WebWriter/2, delete the WebWriter/2 Folder and Program objects before continuing. It is also suggested that you backup your current installation before installing over it. 5. Run Install.exe. 6. You may wish to view the readme file that is loaded in the WebWriter/2 - Installation window before you continue. 7. Select Install/Install from the WebWriter/2 - Installation menu to start the installation process. 8. Fill in the Install WebWriter/2 options and click Continue. You may wish to install VROBJ.DLL to the C:\OS2\DLL directory rather than another directory which will need to be added to your LIBPATH statement in your CONFIG.SYS file. 9. WebWriter/2 will be installed using the entries you have made and a WebWriter/2 folder and program objects will be created on your desktop. 10. Shutdown and restart your system.